Ricky Martin and Christina were screaming in the radio. Is that really true?? Nobody wants to be lonely?
yeah that is true. But sometimes there can be some who likes to be alone. It is not loneliness but enjoying the moment.
Everyone, actually not everyone but most of people I know tell that they want someone to care about them, someone to talk, someone spend time with. I know the feeling. Because sometimes in my past I have felt the same way. but can we really find someone like that?? I don't think so.
We can't simply ask from someone to care for us, can we? We can't ask them to be with us. But there are things that we can do..
Follow the mirror rule..
Now what is the mirror rule?? It is simple.. Mirror will never smile with you unless you smile with it first. So smile with the mirror and mirror will smile back.
If you need someone to care about you then start caring about others. If you want someone to spend time with then start spending time with others. You can't find one unless you are going to be with a hundred. Yes.. First you have to be with hundred to find a one to spend time. And then to find the "Right One" you have to spend time with thousands of people. That is the way it is. No-one will come to you until you are going towards them. If you want somebody in your life then you have to take a chance with the world.
Expose to the world. Stop merely existing and start living your life.
Talk to yourself.
This is what I do most of times. I talk to myself. [yeah I do.. any problem? ;)] I know it sounds crazy. but trust me it helps to understand your inner side. It helps to understand what you really want in your life. Or you can talk to imaginary friends. I have lot of imaginary friends.
This is one of the best thing to do. Read books. If there are books then I can spend years without talking to anyone. :)
In these days also I rarely talk to anyone or log in to fb/blog because I bought books from book fair recently. Time is so interesting and I don't think anyone can be alone when all the characters in a book comes to live.
But the most important thing is no-one can find the one for you. you have to find that one or the way to get rid from loneliness.
P.S :- Talk to yourself only when you are alone, otherwise you will get shifted to a mental hospital.
Listen to the song as well..